Saturday, August 24, 2013

The social media revolution is upon us…

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Instagram etc. are in a sense battling for your attention. They’re offering a plethora of additional marketing & advertising addons etc. to help “online marketers” to move their products and services out to the masses. And, it’s not stopping anytime soon. So, why not take advantage of all that they are offering to you on a silver platter? These search engines (Google, Yahoo, bing etc.) are constantly stumbling upon data thru their research of these ‘social media signals’ thus producing additional data in moving them in bring on more eCommerce or you. These migrations of added social media platforms are also assisting them in continually elevating their sign-ups. If they can bring in more of this new demographic of “social recruiters” that wants to make money on their social networks besides those that post a pictures of their cat doing something cute or comical, then it’s a win-win for everyone. Over the last few years, companies and marketers are diversifying via social media as should you. You as a marketer can make great use of this social media revolution to tie in to your blogs and other forms of capturing web traffic and a larger customer base. It’s not just about web traffic – there is now a “social aspect” to World Wide Web that can put more easily drop more money in your pocket. The war has begun and they want these new social recruiters that bring online commerce to a whole new dimension for Google and alike.
So, how does this war affect you? If you’re an online marketer – you are definitely on the winning side, because you get to piggy back off of what they offer and gain better results with fewer efforts. You can also communicate and transact more effectively and more directly across your ever growing network or subscriber database, and the list goes on.
If you actually knew of all tools that are out there – you’d probably get bit overwhelmed and blow a fuse. The challenge was sifting thru all that they offer to find out what works the best, how to use it properly and how not to abuse this omniscient power. “With great power comes great responsibility.” (Spider Man 2002) Imagine how lucrative it could be to be able to tap into these social media outlets and use their best tools during this revolution to your advantage as an online marketer…
Go to my link below (Empower Network), and I’ll start showing these tools and how to properly use them.
Remember, knowledge alone is not power – properly applied knowledge is power.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Thank you for your valuable time and interest,
Jim Young

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